The Linux Trauma


The first time I heard about Linux was from my friend Zunayed Hassan. I forgot which grade I was in then. Probably in college. He bought a Linux ISO CD then.

The story of Linux with me

I thought it will be similar to windows, but I got 3 or 4 disk for an operating system that I never knew before. Probably openSUSE or Mandrek I can’t remember which one. You may think why I call it The Linux Trauma? There is a valid reason for that.

While I know nothing about Linux based operating systems and their file system type, I wiped my hard disk with Linux partition tool. But when I figure it out than it’s already late to recover them.

The Trauma

All my data is gone. An empty hard disk. I was very upset then. I felt traumatized. All collections are lost. I didn’t know how to recover them.

On that day I made my self a promise that if I ever try to learn something professionally than I must try to learn Linux.

Learning Curve

While studying my four-year diploma in computer technology, I got a chance to learn Linux Server Administration. I got introduced to Redhat 5.4. Than I learn the Linux partition type and file system. We practice everything in VMware Workstation. To be honest with a cracked version.

Later I learned about Ubuntu and installed it on my laptop. But at that time around 2013 net line was not so available in my locality. So installing software for Ubuntu became a troublesome for some of me. Later I got a Banglalion Wimax connection with a monthly subscription and changed it’s ID for Linux compatibility. It was a nice experience. I was very excited about using Ubuntu then.

Getting the First Job

Later I got a job managing a call center server and they just had a simple desktop as a server. I was very new to Linux Server and after studying a lot I had setup the GoAutoDial server there. It was a great achievement for me. All though the project didn’t succeed due to no campaign and I lost my job.

At that time I was also looking for a job at Odesk (Upwork) and got a call center manager job at Upwork.

Later I joined a private university as an IT Officer . There I have to again configure CentOS Server and Windows server. After three years and nine months I got sick with Ulcerative Colitis and left the job.

I bought my 2nd Laptop with my provident fund and as windows update and ransomware were annoying people, I though I should give a try to a Linux OS.

First I tried Ubuntu and it was not a good experience with my new laptop. Later I found Manjaro and it worked without a problem.

Now I have two laptops One with Fedora, the old one and the new one has Manjaro.

After this long time while using Linux-based OS I thought about my past incident with Linux install and laughed by my self. How silly I was then. The Linux Trauma did turn out good for me.

Now I can maintain Cloud based Linux VPS. If that incident hadn’t happened I wouldn’t be able to use Linux now.

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